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Showing posts from March, 2022

How to start crocheting

 When we sing we begin with Do Re Mi but when we crochet we begin with a slip knot, yarn over and pull thru to make a chain. Now if you do not know what I am talking about, maybe my Youtube channel can help. Thanks for viewing and don't forget to subscribes and follow. 

How I ended up here

 I started crochet last year. Making little things as presents. Got addicted. One thing leads to another and here I am. Hope my social medias do help you to crochet better. Below are all the links leading to my social media that might help you crochet better or view my products. Hope you do not mind to go get a glimpse of the above links and if you see anything you like, perhaps you can subscribe and follow. Thank you and hope you have a fun crocheting day.