Backpack never go out of fashion. Everyday you are bound to bump into someone with a backpack. Let's handmade one with t-shirt yarn. It is easy to make one and there are loads of accessories that you can add to it.
This is the tutorial video for your viewing.
I used a board for the base. You can easily buy one online. In the tutorial, I bought an oval shaped base with 52 holes. You would need 2 type of hook. One that can fit in the hole of the board and one 8 mm hook for crocheting the top part.
Start by leaving a (tail) yarn of about a meter long. Then start by crocheting to the board base with single crochet (sc). Single crochet 51 holes and the last one crochet with the shorter yarn, the 1 meter yarn that we leave before starting. Use the shorter yarn to complete the 52th single crochet (refer video).
Row 2 onwards we crochet with the 8 mm hook, single crochet to the back loop, all around. Each row we single crochet 51 and change to the shorter yarn at 52th stitch to complete. How many rows is up to you, as to how big you want the bag to be.
For the flap, you can either make a square one or roundish one. The pattern for the flap is as per the bag, just single crochet to the back loop of bag top, to your desire length and turn and single crochet on the back loop. Repeat until your desire length and width. If you wish to make it roundish (refer video), start making decreases by skipping a stich when you start and do a decreases at the end of that row. After 2 row of doing so, it will look roundish.
As for the bag strap it is best to refer to the video as to how I attached it to the bag. Hope you enjoy the video and have fun customizing your own backpack. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel and follow me on Facebook, Shopee, Tiktok and Instagram. Thank you for your support.
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