Flower Bag or Tote Bag. Have to make linen inside the bag as the flower pattern do have holes between the flowers. I also add a zip on the top. I used nylon yarn and a 4 mm hook. You can use cotton yarn too. I used a darker color for the base of the bag and 3 different shades of pink for the flowers and a wooden bag strap.
Chain (ch) 23, from the 2nd stitch from hook onwards do single crochet (sc) Add a marker on the 1st sc. After 21 sc, the last stitch do 4 sc in the same stitch. Then do 20 sc until you come to the 1st sc, do 3 sc into the same stitch as the 1st sc. Which means that you should have 20 stitches on each row, top and bottom, and 4 stitches in each corner. All in 48 stitches.
Next row, do 2 sc in the same (inc) stitch at the marker. Add back marker. Do 20 sc till you come to the turning, do 4 inc, then another 20 sc and the balance 3 stitches, do 3 inc and will reach the marker stitch. All in 56 stitches.
Next row, do 2 inc, then do 20 sc. At the turning point do 8 inc, then do 20 sc. The balance stitches, do 6 inc. All in should have 72 stitches.
Next row - do a few rows of sc all around with no inc. The base would start to curl upwards. I did 8 rows of sc all around.
The Flowers
You can start from anywhere of the base, do chain 3, trible crochet (tc) into the same stitch, ch 5, skip 5 stitch and do 2 tc on the 6th stitch, ch 5, skip 5 stitch and do 2 tc on the following stitch. Repeat in the same manner until the end and joint with a slip stitch (sl st).
Ch 3 and sl st on the tc, 3 double crochet (dc) on the same tc, ch 3 and sl st to the tc, ch 3 and sl st on the same tc and do 3 dc on the same tc. Ch 3 and sl st on the same tc. Now sl st to the opposite tc. Ch 3 and make 3 dc into the opposite tc. Ch 3 sl st. Ch 3 and 4 dc in to the same tc. And we have completed 1 flower.
Next, ch 2, skip the next pair of tc and start to build another flower on the 3rd pair of tc. Do 4 dc into the tc, Ch 3 and sl st. Ch 3 3 dc and ch 3 and sl st into the same tc. Sl st to the opposite tc. Ch 3 and do 3 dc into the same tc. Ch 3 and sl st. Ch 3 and do 4 dc. And we have completed the 2nd flower.
Repeat in the same manner until the end of the row. The 2nd row, we build the 2 tc in to each flower and also in the previous pair of tc on the row below.
The 2nd row of flower, work on the 2 pair of tc that do not have flower before in the first row. The flowers alternate. It is not flower above flower. For more details, refer to the tutorial video.
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