This is a simple flower bag made using 2 strand of yarn. It is optional, you can use 1 strand instead. I used a 4 mm hook, since it is a 2 strand yarn. I made this for a toddler, so the bag strap is short.
The tutorial video :
Flower Bag
1) Start with a magic ring, chain 2, make 15 double crochet (dc) into the ring.
2) Chain 2, 2 dc in each stitch (dc inc) .
3) Chain 2, (dc, dc inc) - repeat until the end, cut the yarn.
4) Change color. Chain 1, (sc next 2, skip 2, 5 dc in the same stitch, skip 2, sc next 2, skip 2) - repeat until the end. End with a slip stitch.
5) Chain 1, (half double crochet (hdc) in the next, dc in the next, dc inc - 3 sets, dc, hdc) - this makes 1 petal, so now repeat until the end and you will get 6 petals.
6) Chain 1, [ hdc, dc, (dc inc, dc) - 3 sets, dc, hdc ] - repeat until the end.
7) Chain 1, [ hdc, dc, (dc inc, dc, dc inc) - 3 sets, dc, hdc ] - repeat until the end
Make 2 of the above and joint them with single crochet all around leaving an opening of 2 petals.
Bag Strap
You can make any bag strap of your choice but I made a Tunisian stitch bag strap. You can start from the bag, near the opening. Make a knot on the bag and now start to pull up 1 loop from the next stitch and leave it on the hook, pull up another from the next stitch and leave it on the hook, repeat until you have 5 loops on your hook. Put thru 1, then put thru 2 by 2 until there is only 1 loop left on the hook. Continue in the same manner until you come to the length that you want and joint it to the bag. Refer to tutorial video on the joining part.
Hope you find this interesting. This is a very simple bag, especially for beginners. Do subscribe to my Youtube channel and follow me on Facebook , Tiktok and Instagram . Stay tune as there will be plenty more patterns in the near future.
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