This is a simple pouch with 2 compartment, made using t-shirt yarn and a 6 mm hook. I added a zip on the top. I made one to match my ribbed bag / shell bag (from my previous post). I start by making a foundation chain of 16 stitches. The length and width is up to you. Starting from the 2nd chain from hook I did single crochet all the way till the end. Chain 1, turn the work. From here on, work only on the back loop. Do single crochet until the end. Repeat until you have the length that you want. Fold it in two but make sure one side is shorter than the other. At the part where we fold ( the shorter side ) start to crochet the same pattern until it is the same length as the longer side. Use a tapestry needle and sew both sides, sew a zip on top and we have a pouch. For better understanding, refer to the tutorial video below.
The tutorial video :
Hope you like this lovely yet simple pouch pattern. You can get it done in just a few hours. Do subscribe to my Youtube channel and follow me on Facebook , Tiktok and Instagram . There will be lots more new pattern to come, so make sure you don't miss any of it.
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