This is a very simple cardigan. Even a beginner is able to follow the tutorial video and make one for themselves. I used cotton yarn and a 5 mm hook. It is just double crochet and single crochet.
The tutorial video :
This pattern is very simple. Start with a foundation chain. The length is up to you. I start from the back panel, the width, and work my way up. It has to be in a multiple of 2 and at the end of the row, add 4 more stitch to the chain. Turn back and do a double crochet on the bump side of the 6th stitch from the hook. I work on all the bump side on the foundation chain. After the double crochet, chain 1, skip 1 and do a double crochet in the next stitch. Repeat until the end of the row.
When you reach the end of the row, chain 3, turn the work and do a double crochet on top of the previous double crochet. Again repeat the above, that is chain 1, skip 1 and do a double crochet. I did this for 10 row.
The following rows, instead of chain 1, skip 1, I randomly fill up the chain 1 space with a double crochet. Which means, after a double crochet, there is no chain, just do another double crochet into the chain 1 space. Another double crochet on top of the next double crochet. Refer to video for better understanding.
The back panel, once I reach the length that I want, I continue with the front panel. The back and front panel is 1 piece. The is no sewing on the shoulder part. The sleeves, I did separately. I work on the length onwards and not the width of the sleeves.
I joint the side of the back panel to the front panel with a single crochet. Same goes for the sleeves. At the end of the sleeves and also all around the edge of the cardigan, I did single crochet all around for 1 row. The next few rows (up to you how wide you want it to be) I did single crochet only on the back loop.
Thank you for reading. Hope you like this pattern. Do checkout my Youtube channel and follow me on Facebook , Tiktok and Instagram . I have hundreds of videos, from crochet to amigurumi, clothes to toys, hats to bags and lots more. So go check it out and I will see you in my next post.
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