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Big Leaf
1) Chain 21. Insert a wire in the last stitch. Crochet with the wire in the leaf.
2) Do single crochet (sc) in the next 4, half double crochet (hdc) in the next 4, double crochet (dc) in the next 5, treble crochet (tr) in the next 6, do 6 tr in the next (6 tr in 1 stitch), tr in the next 6, dc in the next 5, hdc next 4, sc next 4, slip stitch (ss) in the next.
Chain 1. Hdc in the next, 3 dc in the same next stitch, chain 3 and ss in the same stitch.
(Sc, hdc, dc, 3 tr in the same stitch, chain 4, ss in the same, ss in the next) - do 2 sets.
Sc, dc, 2 tr in the same stitch, chain 4, ss in the same stitch, ss in the next.
(Hdc, dc, tr) - in the same stitch. (Tr, dc, hdc) - in the same next stitch, ss, ss in the next.
Chain 4, 2 tr in the same stitch, dc, sc, ss in the next 2.
Chain 4, 3 tr in the same stitch, dc next 3, hdc, sc, ss.
Chain 4, 3 tr in the same stitch, dc, hdc, sc, ss.
Chain 3, 3 dc in the same stitch, hdc, ss.
Small Leaf
1) Chain 31. Insert wire in the last stitch. Do sc next 30, last stitch do sc inc (2 sc in the same stitch) turn the work and continue sc next 30, ss.
2) Ss next 5, sc next 3, hdc next 2, dc next 2, (dc, 2 tr) - in the same stitch.
Chain 4, ss next 2, sc next 3, hdc next 2, dc next 2, (dc, tr) - in the same stitch
Chain 4, ss next 2, hdc next 3, sc next 2, chain 1
Sc next 3, hdc next 5, sc next 3, ss next 2
(Dc, 2 tr) - in the same stitch, dc next 2, hdc next 2, sc next 3, ss next 2.
(Dc, tr) - in the same stitch, dc in the next 2, hdc in the next 2, sc, ss.
The tutorial video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL97EmMs3cE
The tutorial video is easy to follow, even for beginners. Give it a try.
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