1) Magic ring. 8 sc [total 8]
2) Sc, 3 sc in one (add a marker in the middle stitch) [total 16]
3) Sc all around but do 3 sc in the marker stitch [total 24]
Continue to increase in this manner until you come to the size you want.
Last row, sc all around only on the back loop but skip the stitch with a marker.
Do the same like the head but slightly bigger by 1 or 2 rows
Chain 2, ss and cut yarn
Ear Muff
1) Magic ring. 6 sc [total 6]
2) Inc - 6X [total 12]
The strap across the 2 ear muff : Do a foundation chain with the length of your choice. So long it can go across the head. Do hdc until the end.
The tutorial video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMbvpuaHKQw
The tutorial video is easy to follow, even for beginners. Give it a try.
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