1) Magic ring. 6 sc [total 6]
2) (Sc next 2, inc) - 3X [total 9]
3) - 6) Sc all around [total 9]
7) (Sc next 2, dec) - 3X [total 6]
8) (Sc, dec) - 2X [total 4]
Hat (Girl Only)
1) Magic ring. 6 sc [total 6]
2) Inc - 6X [total 12]
3) (Sc, inc) - 6X [total 18]
4) (Sc next 2, inc) - 6X [total 24]
5) (Sc next 3, inc) - 6X [total 30]
6) - 8) Sc all around [total 30]
Brim (Girl only)
1) Front loop only, dc inc in each stitch. [total 60]
Skirt (Girl only)
Do a shirt like the one for the boy then continue with the skirt. (Refer to video on how it is done)
1) Chain 7, dc next 2, hdc next 2, sc next 2, ss to shirt
2) Back loop only : sc next 2, hdc next 2, dc next 2, ss to shirt
3) Back loop only : dc next 2, hdc next 2, sc next 2, ss to shirt
Repeat 2) and 3) till the end of the row and join it by sewing with the yarn tail.
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